Saturday, October 20, 2012

A New Discovery

There was a time when we were six years old. Those were happy times, see. We were 'grown-up' or so they said. It would take years for us to realize how little they believed it as well as they'd say but we did. We believed it and we were almost on that goal of ours - "to be older". There was something else too in those years. We were, or at least most of us, were on 1st grade then. Higher grades meant new subjects and that year we'd start on 'science'. See, before that, I believed only in magic and supernatural. Sky was blue because someone had probably colored it so and he'd probably run out of crayons other than the blue one. Water was water because it was water and not something else. That year, we learned that sky was blue because it was reflected light, thunders were the doings of clouds and not some fire burning up on the heavens.
Over the years, we learned more and more about the things around us. It never lost its beauty, none of 'em did. But, it made more sense now. There were proofs alongside and we had to read them by heart and write them in exams to pass (and to be good at it too) and we did. Years came by and we learned of Mendel and his peas. We learned of Darwin and his discovery of evolution. Soon, it came to light (for those of us seeking the truth) that it wasn't his sole idea and that there were people who'd thought of it before him. Alongside science, we learned of values too. We learned how learned people are better in decision making because their beliefs are more rational. And, I as well as many of us if not all, took science. It doesn't make a difference I know, but we set out on a field with evidence as a sole reason of justification in many cases. We wouldn't know what the basis of something was but since it was the observation, it'd be the truth until proven otherwise. We learned of genus and species of countless organisms and also, on the basis of fossils and other evidences, evolution was justified even though the cause of it wasn't entirely understood. Natural selection was a mere philosophy or say a hypothesis even amongst the believers of evidence (or science). But, it was never a matter of doubt that evolution was the basis of our origins. We evolved from unicellular organisms and even though it sounds absurd to some priests of the better good, it has been proved even though the pathway for it hasn't been entirely settled.
Some 12-14 billion years ago (that is 13000000000, 4 times more than our entire lifetime if we consider the unit to be in seconds), there was a blast. From a point, from nothingness, matter and anti-matter (whose existence has also been verified, mind you) formed and even though the sum of which turns out to be zero, matter came into existence (and anti matter lied embedded in the space-time tapestry upon which we stand. It becomes hard to comprehend from this point forth (if it already wasn't) but, space time is not a plane surface, it is a three dimensional existence so whatever we see is contained within space and end of space is the boundary of universe, not the end of existence of matter). From minute particles, sub atomic particles came into existence, from that atoms - the earliest of which is hydrogen. Hydrogen by fusion formed helium, and further fusion led to lithium, carbon, iron, gold, uranium. Matters exerted pressure on the tapestry of space time and that in turn presented as gravity. With gravity, atoms came closer, formed stars where the aforementioned fusion was to take place. Fusion took on and on and once the star reached its breaking point, it blasted off and with that novae, elements other than hydrogen were scattered as far as it could reach. From the nebulae that formed, new stars were created, sometimes black holes and sometimes pulsars, quasars, planets at the rim of the forming stars. Gravity, space, matter and time formed planets. Planets were challenged sometimes by other planets. Orbits were the product of spin that lasted on into the planets' memory. Rotation shaped the planet. When hit by other planets or asteroids chunks of the planet itself would spill out and circle the planet forming natural satellites or moons as we say it. Elements formed from novae would shower occasionally and water came into existence in our goldilocks habitat formed around 5 billion years ago. Our planet, now contained carbon, water and a safe distance from the young sun. Still hot, the condition was just right for the carbon to link up to a single helix of coding strand of genome in the storms and heat back then. Out of several strands of genomes, some collapsed and some didn't. The ones that didn't lived on to surround itself with water and the protein monomer it had would trigger formation of proteins similar to it by a relatively simple process (at that time). Mutations are frequent. They still are. It's just that the ones that aren't compatible with the environment are wiped out and what remains is the end result. Anyways, so formed the earliest micro organism. Mutations would thrive on and form 2, 4, 16, 32 and so on celled organisms and millions and millions of years later, we'd come into existence in our tailed form. It took us more than 5 million years just to get rid of our tails so you can imagine the countless number of years it took us to get here. With evolution, our once curious mind that brought fire as a basic need now makes gadgets so complex that perhaps it is of equal complexity as the setting of the universe (or perhaps not, yet). We lived together, made weapons out of stone, iron. Then we made houses where we'd live permanently. We farmed. We made society which needed a control and so comes the need of God. God served to unite the people and divide. It was a matter of existence back then, it really was necessary to create a fatherly figure, though imaginary and supported only by the natural phenomenon like thunders which were mysterious back then, to unite people together, make sense of it all and grow. It is all understood up to this point.
Most of this has been verified and those that haven't (like say the exact flow of what came first, etc) have a very strong indication of being true. But, with progress of human society, we seem to have regressed. We speak of TT and tt and cross it to make a F1 generation of Tt and Tt and a F2 generation of TT, Tt, tT, tt and yet, it is a sad realization that we, with all this knowledge in our mind, still believe that an imaginary being made us out of nowhere and nothing. We see the beauty of it all and say "behold! how can it be that this is all a matter of chance?" We constantly fail to realize that what we perceive of our surrounding is only what we can perceive We can perceive light, sound, touch and smell and we have conscience. We are perceiving reality based on our sense organs and it is painfully obvious that it might not be the entirety of the universe and yet we are so defiant when someone challenges our beliefs. On some documentary, I saw a man, self-righteous in his words, claim that a sick person can be cured of all illness with the whims of this so-called 'god'. He'll probably die of sickness if he refuses to medications which have been proven efficacious based on evidence. People talk of some deity that has 4 heads and sits on a lotus while making everything, a wilder deity who wears skins of animals and has a serpent wound around his neck and delivers justice. No, it is alright if we choose to be stupid. But, do we really have the right to force-feed our children such idiocy? We can believe in cartoon characters if we want to. We can believe in superheroes if we want to, but do we have the right to present this as a 'truth' to our children and yet ask them to study the books which says otherwise? We are pitiful creatures really, no?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Lying Voices

The whispering voices, too careful they may -
Unveil a secret in the numbers they say,
1, 3, 19, 21, 40 and nil,
(The voices then hold their breathes and remain still.)

In my death I saw a dream,
Of a thousand - ten thousand screams,
I hear jokes, joy, happiness and laughter,
And fear, tears, death -- and silence thereafter.

Death stared right into my face,
And, with a tone full of disgrace,
She laughed, she said - "Do you really think,
that I believe you're not afraid of me?"

"How could she possibly see through me?", I scoffed,
"Does my cloak not hide my inner self enough?"
"It's not for you to decide, You are but an animal reigned to ride,"
"It's no use disregarding me, my love. You are but a man inside"

Then she turned, and with a grin, she leapt with a hiss,
Held me by my chin and on my lips - she planted a kiss,
"Oh, you poor child, look at your eyes - are those tears?"
She laughed - she laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed,
All I felt was fear.
Death is a friend of mine.

The whispering voices still echo within my mind,
They lie all the same - they lie and they remind -
Me of what I am - a foolish, mediocre soul,
Doomed to vanish into null none different than them all.