Virtue of Distance

A letter off-a-prose or a petal off-a-rose,
How "the sorrow of departure" their ambiguity shows.
But, the real torture - of a loathed-departure,
In cuts and tears - only a pensive heart knows.

So much was left unseen -
So much we could have been.
Oh, how much away two hearts can stray,
Two love-bird's in one's bad dreams.

Simili in a shade,
As the curtains fall -
And, as the words fade,
I wonder "did we have it all?"
When not obscured by the miles - we are obtused in smiles,
The distance elaborates the difference - howsoever small.

I wonder how it will be when we resume,
How it might be once this time is consumed -
Will we be back where we were back then?
Will we have anything we did - ever again?
Ha! Only time will show the results I know - sorrow, I assume.

- Prashanta Ojha