Monday, January 9, 2012

These Moments

Upon the clouds today, I see -
A reflection of some inner me.

An eye that looks away while I blink,
'Even death can't be so tortorous', I think.
Every once in a while,
I turn to see what I've lost and what I lack,
And, grieving with a smile,
I, somehow, manage to turn back.

'An umberella today?'
'Perhaps it won't rain',
'Or, perhaps,
I'll never get a chance to drench in a rain again'
'Or, perhaps, I already don't'.

'My shoes, then?'
'Here they are, at my hands,
If I muster enough strength, I can keep off the sand',
'If I, eventually, manage to put them on'
'Chances are I might never feel the warmth of my sun',
'But, do I have any?'

'Why do I need them?'
'Do I have anything to hide?'
'Or, do I just not want them to meet the stranger I hide inside?'
'They already have'.

While that play was flowing up on the sky,
I take a look back at myself and I wonder why,
Why and what made me loose my self and hide,
How can these departing clouds take something off my pride?

These clouds slowly drift apart, away from each other -
And, the sky behind,
Doesn't seem to mind,
Doesn't seem to bother,

I, below, am torn -
I can but scorn
Here, I have no say,
I am just a witness to that glorious dance,
Once in an eternity chance,
The divine dance in the sky today.