Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sweet Sorrow

This isn't about departing,
But, a new starting.

On the verge of being almost broken,
The void clears off the reek.
With the pride outspoken,
Two eyes swore never again to peek,
And the lips - never to speak.

Then, the shadow beneath shone,
As the queen denounced her crown.
The serene collapsed on the omen outgrown,
And laughed still with a faint little frown.

This is all some sort of humor - this night,
Some hilarious joke fate says.
A bruised perfection smiles with delight,
It really is a harsh game life plays,
Deluded, we stray.
All is well that ends that way.
But, we live in the darker shades of grays

Pity, a dire refusal, a vain cruise,
All in all the gambler's choose.
Apologies never said, feelings never shared,
And, even the sweet parts of it were mostly unprepared.

So many words couldn't until tomorrow,
Make you see through me - through my sorrow.
None of this is to reply or to comply,
This is just to repent and to say goodbye.

~cheers to life~