Friday, September 9, 2011


The drops, malformed, sprinkled with air, hit my hair
As if claiming it's not all too fair,
But, who am I to claim I know?
Have I the right to interfere with the show?
Let the drops 'as worse as-can-fall' be
And - glitter on the glow
Fall like tiny flakes of snow
Drop and fall and fade - as gloomy as we.

Why don't we all together,
Watch her cry as if it'd last for-ever?

Why do we have to decide if she's happy or sad?
Or, good or bad?
Let's feel her sorrow tonight - just as how she's had.
I know how this will be every rainy season.
But, do we need to have all those reasons?

Maybe nothing good will come from this,
I know we can just let her be-
cry tears of rain, as if in vain,
I know she'll soon be calmed by the gentle breeze,

For a moment now,
Let's forget all those memorable achievements,
And, all those countless important events,
And, sit long enough to bid her goodbye
And, watch her 'with all he glory' turn into the night.
Let's just sit side-by-side without moving,
Let's just be there for her this evening.